Kaitlin Olah

Jun 11, 2019

Home is Where the Heart Is | Family Photography Sessions in Kalamazoo, Michigan

Updated: Feb 25, 2020

Emma and I recently went home to Michigan while Jared was out to sea and it was so nice spending time at home with family and friends! Sometimes you just need that time at home to clear your mind and reset your soul - anyone else ever feel like that? Just me?

My nephew, Emmett, is just 2 months younger than Emma so they're very close in age and look/act more like siblings than cousins. It's funny because when I take both of them out in public together I frequently get asked if they're twins - good lord, I don't know what I'd do if I had twins! Which is funny because my cousin has triplets and they're all girls, I couldn't imagine triplet girls on top of a 4 year old girl - I just don't know how they do it, that's a lot of girls under one roof. My other cousin has two boys, which is funny because I hadn't realized until just now that none of us have families with kiddos of different genders (for the time being that is), it's either all girls or all boys.

In addition to spending lots of time with friends and family while we were home, my Dad also turned 60 so we had a big family gathering and it served as the perfect opportunity to take some photos of not only Emma and Emmett, but my cousins and their sweet families as well! Check them out below!

The Ingraham Family

The Frabe Family

Emma & Emmett

Also, can I just say my Grams looks great for being almost 80! Emma and Emmett both love their “Gibby” I’m not sure where Emma Bean got the idea to call my Grams ‘Gibby’ but one day she did and it just stuck, she’s been lovingly called ‘Gibby’ by both great grandkids ever since!